This is our first newsletter, so not much news this time. We will plan update it every month.

If you have any news please email countrypra@gmail.com

Summer time is almost over for the South Lanarkshire Girls.

What have you been up to during the summer?

We had Units from Hamilton, Wishaw, Carluke, Biggar and Kirrimuir went on a trip to Austria at the start of summer for 10 days, with a stop at Disneyland on the way home. The girls had a fabulous time, the weather was great, although the last night it was Thunder showers. Plenty of fast paced activities to keep them busy.

In August there was the day trip to Glamis Castle for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Ranger. It’s was a fun day with Rainbows, Brownies,Guides,Senior Section and Trefoil from all over Scotland

Sadly we had to close a Unit in Biggar run by Anne Galloway she kept the unit going for 20 years. The Girls at the unit have moved over to Biggar Guides We would like to thank Anne for all the years she kept the unit going all the additional hours making sure the girls had the best time possible, we will miss you and wish you well in the future KEEP IN TOUCH!

The Register will be out shortly any changes required please get in touch with Lynn Weir.

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Girlguiding South Lanarkshire members meet across the county taking part in activities ranging from colouring to canoeing, games to grass sledging, swimming to sleepover and partying to pioneering!

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